Estás invitado con entusiasmo al amor, la comida, la música y la diversión de “Father of the Bride”, una comedia romántica moderna actualizada del clásico atemporal. Esta brillante historia de una familia y sus lazos inquebrantables ilustra las formas sorprendentes y divertidas en que el corazón puede adaptarse en nombre del amor. FATHER OF THE BRIDE se transmitirá exclusivamente en HBO Max a partir del 16 de junio.
Billy (Andy Garcia) and Ingrid (Gloria Estefan) are surprised when their eldest daughter Sofia (Adria Arjona) comes home to Miami for a visit, announcing a new boyfriend, Adan (Diego Boneta)—who is now her fiancé—and their plans for a wedding and a new life together in Mexico. Family relationships are tested as the roller coaster ride of wedding planning races toward the altar. This sparkling story of a modern rom-com updated from a timeless classic illustrates the surprising and funny ways the heart can adapt in the name of love. Save the date for #FatherOfTheBride, streaming June 16 on HBO Max.